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Church of Greater Faith United

Making Disciples – Planting Churches – Strengthening Families



What you can expect from Church of Greater Faith United:


Clergy Training


  • TLC Bible Institute and Seminary
  • Shepherds School ( For Pastors)
  • Ministers in Training (For Ministers)
  • Licensing and Ordination (Credentials)
  • Elisha Ministry (Internship Program)


  • Bishop C.E. Bell Leadership Training Institute
  • Church Administration Spiritual (Job Description, Church Software, Computers)
  • Church Administration Legal (Incorporation, 501C3, Church Bylaws, ETC)
  • Youth & Young Adult & Children’s Ministry Assistance


Life Support

  • Pastoral Mentoring
  • Clergy Counseling
  • Elijah Cage (The Retreat)



  • Local and Foreign Missions
  • Invest in Local Churches in Diocese
  • Evangelism (Food Pantry, FRAN PLAN, Door 2 Door, Operation Win 10)
  • Church Planting and Recruiting


Surplus For Ministry

  • Invest in Local Churches in Diocese
  • Mustard Seed Foundation
  • Grants & Foundations
  • Streams of Income

Download Our Application Form


How to connect your ministry or church

What you can expect from Church of Greater Faith United

Grace and Peace! I am honored that you are considering a connection with the Church of Greater Faith United. We are in a day and age where many people are looking for a place to belong. The passion for a covering or a father is in consistent demand, and while the choices are numerous, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate the vision of the Church of Greater Faith United in order to clarify how your connection will benefit you. Covenant is not something that we take lightly, so we honor the time, prayer, and contemplation that it takes to make a decision of this magnitude. This correspondence, while not meant to be exhaustive, is designed to give insight into our organizational distinctions, and answer a few questions you may have.

At  Church of Greater Faith United, we are here to help you grow! For us, this is not just a numeric growth, but it is a growth that we hope solidifies the definition of prosperity in your life which is “nothing broken and nothing missing.” In order to do this, church of Greater Faith United not only provides opportunities for worship and preaching, but we aim to go deeper by providing practical training and one on one mentoring. It is the training and mentoring, at the heart of our vision that we believe have the most profound impact on your personal growth and development in the Lord.

As a part of Church of Greater Faith United, you can expect a framework that provides accountability and structured leadership. This allows us to not only provide members of Church of Greater Faith United with valid credentials for their ministry work, but also the needed ministry “stretching” that keeps us all fresh in our calling, relevant to this age, and clear in our integrity.

Our hope is that you prayerfully consider becoming a part of the Church of Greater Faith United Fellowship, not for what the connection will give you “alone”, but what your connection will enable us all to do for the Kingdom. Should you have further questions, we would love to set a time to speak to you personally. Please feel free to reach out to us, so that we can schedule a time with you.

Church of Greater Faith United

Making Disciples – Planting Churches – Strengthening Families

Vision / Purpose

The purpose of this Fellowship shall be to Emphasize, Encourage, Promote Unity and Church Growth & Development in the Body of Christ according to Ephes. 4:11-15. To promote unity and fellowship among all members of the Body of Christ to provide ways and means by which these objectives may be obtained.

Members may work harmoniously in cooperation (Psalm 133) with each other promoting the work and objectives set forth in the Fellowship Constitution. It is not, to any degree, and never shall have any Apostolic Covering, Ecclesiastical or Hierarchal Authority over its membership churches. It shall not have and never shall attempt to exercise a single attribute of Power or Authority over any church, or the messengers (Pastors, Overseers, Elders, Etc.) of the churches in such wise as to limit the sovereignty of the churches, but shall recognize the sovereignty of the churches under one Sovereign, The Lord Jesus Christ. Church of Greater Faith United is Networking Churches and ministries Worldwide.

Why Join Church of Greater Faith United Network of Churches?

As a covering to pastors and churches, we are committed to providing you with enough oversight to ensure scriptural accountability, the freedom to fulfill your God-given vision and the spiritual support you need to enhance your success in ministry. We are committed to covenant relationships that endure the test of time.
We stand behind our ministers helping them through the difficulties of ministry and celebrating their successes.
Church of Greater Faith United provides pastors and churches with an organizational network that will benefit their ministries in the following ways:

  • Covering without control
  • Ongoing ministry training
  • Accountability that increases credibility
  • Unity
  • Relationships based on integrity and mutual respect
  • Shared resources
  • Encouragement
  • Prayer cover
  • Consultation
  • Impartation and anointing
  • Acceptance
  • Wisdom of proven ministry experience
  • Favor of God

What are the benefits of joining Church of Greater Faith United?

We are a Fellowship that is mandated to network with churches all over the world for the edifying and building up of the Body of Christ. We promote Kingdom Principles through the Word of God. These are just a few of the benefits of becoming a part of the Church of Greater Faith United:

  • Pastoral Support in the form of ministry assistance, counseling, and services.
  • Assistance with getting 501(c)3
  • Joint funding of Evangelical activities.
  • Scholarship funding for college-bound students within the fellowship
    Opportunity to receive Earned and Honorary Degrees (Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate) in Divinity, Practical Theology, Pastoral Counseling, and Biblical Counseling from the TLC Bible Institute and Seminary.
  • Scholarships will be provided to offset the cost to anyone wanting to attend.
    Assistance in Ordination and Consecration activities.
  • Fully-funded Youth Activities
    Joint financial support for churches and families in times of catastrophe or emergency.
  • Training for Church staff and officers.
    Church planting for elders and pastors without edifices.
  • Counseling or support for pastors, ministers, or families in spiritual or moral crisis.

Code of Ethics

It is a requirement that every member of Church of Greater Faith United accept and adhere to the following ministerial ethics:

  • Each member has a right to their own style and personality as they follow Christ.
  • To conduct ones affairs in morals, finances, and business relations with a high degree of Christian integrity.
  • To maintain a teachable spirit towards the other leaders of the Fellowship.
  • To speak in a respectful and edifying manner where other members of the Fellowship are concerned.
  • To abstain, directly or indirectly, in any issue that would cause a church split.
  • To not sow seeds of discord among the body by gossip, rumors and opinionated criticism.
  • To abstain from the consumption or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.
  • To pursue a Christian relationship with other members of the Fellowship.
  • To respect the rights of others and allow them to be different, as long as their actions comply with the written Word of God.
  • To support and give your loyalty to any pastor under which you may serve.
  • To deal justly as the Scriptures command concerning all areas of fellowship, relationships, unity and brotherly love.
  • To follow the procedure as commanded in the Scriptures when faced with a brother or sister who is in violation of these ethics or any other Biblical moral standard.
  • To agree to adhere to our Statement of Faith, Ministerial Ethics, and By-Laws.
  • Church of Greater Faith United believes that the homosexual lifestyle is contrary to scripture and is not acceptable to God.

School of Adjutancy

Order of Adjutancy

The mission of the School of Adjutancy is to train and mentor adjutants and armor bearers in the areas of Episcopal and Church protocol, Apostolic order, and Discipleship.

Bishop of Protocol

It is the responsibility of the Bishop of Protocol to speak to all matters pertaining to the liturgical ceremony and pageantry for a given occasion and to determine the proper vesture for any given gathering of the Fellowship.  This Prelate is an advisor to the Primate, is well versed in Church Ceremonial and is called upon to determine the proper attire for gatherings as well as provide direction during liturgical services within the Fellowship.

Adjutant Bishop

Due to the national scope of this office, this adjutant is selected by the Presiding Bishop of the Reformation.  This officer may or may not be a Bishop in rank however, in the case that the Fellowship determines this office should be chaired by a bishop, said person’s designation is that of Adjutant-Bishop.  The Adjutant-General has direct oversight of all matters pertaining to the Adjutancy within the Fellowship to include, the Code of Dress, the development and implementation of the School of Adjutancy, as well as the administration, development and the certification of adjutants.  As such, all adjutants in the Fellowship, at the national as well as local level, fall immediately under the supervision and guidance of this office.

Adjutant Apostolic

The Adjutant-Apostolic directly serves the Presiding Bishop on a daily basis and at all gatherings of the Fellowship.  This rank is generally a mark of distinction for the one who directly assists the Presiding Bishop of the Fellowship however, at the temporary absence of the Adjutant-General, the Adjutant-Apostolic performs all of the duties of the Adjutant-General.

Dean of the School of Adjutancy

Dean of the School of Adjutancy reports directly to the Adjutant-General and serves at the national level of the Fellowship.  This officer is a well-rounded servant that has successfully and faithfully served as Adjutant-Chaplain, Adjutant-Chamberlain and Chief Adjutant of a local assembly within the Fellowship.  This officer of the Adjutancy is largely a curriculum developer and policy writer for the School and has responsibilities as teacher and mentor for adjutants of the Fellowship.  As curriculum developer, it is the responsibility of the Dean to, as aforementioned; develop said curriculum for deliberate gatherings of the Fellowship, individual, local and regional training sessions and of course for the School of Adjutancy.  The Dean works very closely with the Adjutant-General to spiritually transcribe the Spirit of Adjutancy onto paper and convey that through training sessions and ongoing mentoring to the adjutants and servants of the Fellowship.

Chief Adjutant

This office is the local version of the Adjutant-General in that he has the responsibility of overseeing the subordinate (Ordinary) bishop’s apostolic cabinet.  In the instances where an Ordinary has need of more than one adjutant, it is the Chief who is ultimately responsible for the vesting, care of and service to the bishop as well as his insignia and properties although he may appoint others to the direct service.  The Chief Adjutant of the local assembly or region is responsible for ensuring all directives are received and understood from the National Level and disseminated to the local churches.  It is further the responsibility for the Chief Adjutant to see to the development and training of the adjutants under his charge, under the direction of the Adjutant-General.  Lastly we should mention that this servant is one who has served successfully (and may continue to serve) as Adjutant Chamberlain to an Auxiliary, Coadjutor or Ordinary Bishop.

Adjutant Chamberlain

This office is the local version of the Adjutant-Apostolic in that they are responsible for directly serving the subordinate (Coadjutor) bishop.  The Adjutant-Chamberlain personally assists in the proper vesting of the Prelature and is usually adjutant to the Bishops of Dioceses or the local church.   This adjutant is the one in the local assembly who handles and maintains the bishop’s vestments and insignia and it is because they are familiar with their bishop and his/her vestments, it is expected that they be utilized during vesting within the gatherings of the Fellowship.  It should be noted that one may serve successfully as both Chief Adjutant and Adjutant-Chamberlain in their local church.

Adjutant Chaplain

This person works closely with the bishop’s Episcopal administrator to stay apprised of the bishop’s itinerary to make necessary arrangements for travel and accommodation.  The non-ordained and/or non-administrative version of this position is an Armor-Bearer.  There could be one Adjutant-Chamberlain with other Adjutant-Chaplains or Armor-Bearers working with them, or a bishop could appoint multiple Adjutant-Chamberlains and they could all rotate their service.  This is of course, solely dependent upon the needs and desires of that particular prelate.

Vergers & Acolytes

These persons are appointed by Bishops of the Dioceses (Ordinaries) and may be selected by the Chief Adjutant at any given ceremony, as need arises in the local church.  They serve as Processional Cross Bearer, Processional Banner Bearers, Bible Bearer and candle lighters.  These offices are designated for our youth with the intent that as they serve, these persons are being groomed for the more demanding roles within the Adjutancy.  As Proverbs 22:6 declares, “Train up a child…”  With this appointment as an acolyte or verger, a spirit of servant-hood and humility is cultivated within our young persons as we rear our successors to this great and ongoing work.

School of Adjutancy Training

The School of Adjutancy offers training and mentoring for churches, small groups and even individuals at your request.  While we do promote the spirit of this Fellowship passed down from her forefathers, this training is not exclusively geared toward this Fellowship per se; but applies principles recognized and accepted in the universal Church.  These training sessions will provide information as well as impartation as the Holy Spirit provides insight into the things relating to our work and service.  Our main concern is to speak to the Spirit of what we do as adjutants and not focus on the letter.  To meet your training/mentoring needs, we are prepared to meet at your location (Within the Contiguous United States), or in the virtual classroom online, or through teleconference.

Having stated that, some topics of training offered by the Fellowship are:

Episcopal Protocol and Etiquette
The Spirit of Adjutancy
Ecclesiastical Vestments
Mentoring (group and individual)
What is an adjutant and what is his scope
Establishing adjutant/servant structure within the local church

Feel at liberty to contact us with inquiries as to your specific training needs.  When presented with such specific requests, we have developed training models for a particular request; all is dependent upon the need.  In other words, if you are unsure if we provide training in a particular area or not, just ask.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few Frequently Asked Question that you might have in mind

What is the Church of Greater Faith United on spiritual gifts?

We believe in the entire ministry of the Holy Spirit including the gifts of the Spirit in their varieties, administrations and operations. We believe the gifts are relevant and essential for productive biblical ministry.

What is the Church of Greater Faith United view on abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, etc.?

Abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism is sin and that is the stance we take. Any lifestyle contrary to the fundamental interpretation of the Word is sinful and in need of ministry help.

What is the Church of Greater Faith United view on Tithing?

We believe tithing is a biblical mandate for every born again, yielded believer, plainly taught in both the Old and New Testaments.

Is this a Holiness or Pentecostal Movement?

Our position, according to the Word of God, is that all churches should be “Holiness” and “Pentecostal” if they are biblical in their objectives and embrace a fundamental understanding of the Bible.

What is the Church of Greater Faith United view on Women in Ministry?

In keeping with our stance on spiritual gifts, we believe that women are called to pastor, preach and teach the Gospel and are used mightily of God. We support women with training, education, licensing and ordination.

What Denominations are you affiliated with?

We are a Bible believing, Non-Denominational Fellowship made up of churches from several denominations (Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist, Word of Faith, etc.). We do not submit to the teachings of one particular denomination, but rely on the Holy Bible as the sole source of everything we do.

What are the requirements for a Church joining COGFU?

You must have a desire and passion to help promote kingdom building and prepare God’s people to work the ministry according to Eph. 4:11-15. Complete an application for membership online or contact us directly. There are no application fee or cost.

Will the Fellowship have any power or authority over any Pastor in or church, if they join the Church of Greater Faith United?

The answer is No! (Unless Church request for our assistance in this area) This fellowship does not take authority or power over Pastors or their churches. Every Pastor is expected to pastor his or her congregation according to their rules, regulations, constitution or by-laws as God gives them the ability to do so. The Fellowship Council of Bishop’s will only assist with mending relationships between Pastor’s and their congregations through prayer and wise counseling with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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